Tractorball now supports local co-op

Tractorball now supports local co-op

Date: Nov 21, 2017

It's Tractorball update time and we have decided to add local asymmetric co-op to the game. This means a VR player can play with a non-VR friend on the same computer. The VR player uses the tracked controllers and the non-VR user uses a gamepad. Hold Start on a gamepad to join any season or exhibition match. Other changes to the new version:

  • To make it easier to understand what tractors are human controlled, we have added a hat to the human controlled tractors.
  • Improved gamepad support. Added gamepad haptics.
  • 2d window graphics settings, resolution, fullscreen.
  • Added some flags to the winter arena fences. Let us know if you want us to add your country's flag in the comments!
  • Squatted some small bugs and other minor fixes.

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