First Content Update: Steam Workshop, New Lines, Leaderboards and Achievements

First Content Update: Steam Workshop, New Lines, Leaderboards and Achievements

Date: Sep 29, 2022

It is a little over a month since we released Mount Wingsuit 2, and it's been great fun seeing how our players do. There is a small but active community on our Discord, and you have far exceeded our expectations as to what is possible with high scores. We promised that we'd be releasing more content if there was enough interest, so here is our first content update:

Steam Workshop

One of our user complaints has been that the checkpoint lines are too easy, or at least far easier than they were in Mount Wingsuit. We figured a good fix for this would be to let you create your own, so we have made a Line Creator where you can save your own checkpoint lines and upload them to Steam Workshop with just a few clicks.

New Checkpoint Lines

We are also releasing a collection of 21 official lines, one for each exit point, which are significantly more difficult than what you find in the base game.
Visit the Mount Wingsuit 2 Workshop page on Steam, subscribe to any line or collection and it will be available for you in the game.

Race Leaderboards

There are 21 new leaderboards for the online race mode, one for each exit point. You can set times racing by yourself, but it is both more fun and easier to set a good time in multiplayer due to the slipstream boost you get from flying right behind an opponent.

6 New Achievements

We have added achievements for winning the various online game modes, as well as one for contributing to the game by uploading a line to Workshop. Since you have been doing so well with the high scores, we also added an achievement for achieving a 10M combo.

In addition to this, we have fixed a small collection of bugs reported on Discord; Thank you for helping us improve the game!

We have also been discussing the possibility of organizing the first Mount Wingsuit World Championship, with competitions in all the online game modes and nice prizes for the top 3 finishers. Feel free to join the discussion and chip in your ideas about the ideal way to pull this off!